About Me

I should first of all confess that I am not a trained artist, having only discovered the fascination of painting at the ripe old age of 43. That was in 1986, and over the subsequent years I built up my expertise by attending a number of life-drawing classes and other courses relating to different aspects of the painter's craft. In addition, I was of course practising constantly at home in Suffolk, and working with a local artist.

Increasingly I was drawn towards portraiture, using my long-suffering family as models, and also began to create portraits from old photographs and prints. In 1996 I received my first commission, a house portrait in North Devon, for which I charged £300; since then, I estimate that I have painted nearly 50 commissions, and frequently more than one for the same client.

For five years after 1996, I was painting commissions at weekends and working in London on weekdays. After retiring in 2002, I was finally able to paint on a full-time basis.